The Scent of Happiness: Aromatherapy Benefits of Candles

Discover the amazing benefits of aromatherapy through candles! This article explores the power of scents and how different scents can have specific effects on our bodies and minds. Learn how candles can improve your mood and overall well-being and how to choose the right scent for your goals. Find out why investing in a USA soy blend candle is a great option for maximizing the benefits of aromatherapy. Harness the power of scent and let the incredible aromatherapy benefits of candles wash over you.


Water Balloon Candle Making

How do I make homemade water balloon candles for fall decor

Who knew water balloon candle making could be so much fun? I recently discovered this method for using water balloons on Pinterest. So, for my fall craft blog hop project, I decided to test this out for you.   How do I make homemade water balloon candles? Start with regular water balloons filled with water, of…