Express Yourself through Outfit: The Art of Color-Matching

What colors go together? Learn the basics of making stylish color choices for your outfits. One of the probably most demanding things in fashion is color matching your outfit. That is why many of us simply decide to go with the black and one more color since it’s easier to match. However, there are so many vibrant and lively colors out there just waiting to be picked.


Radiant Orchid: 2014 Pantone Color of the Year

Radiant Orchid: 2014 Pantone Color of the Year

It’s summertime here in North America and we are still going strong with the color of the year… Radiant Orchid. It was declared last December by the Pantone color experts themselves. Personally, these shades of orchid have been my personal favorites forever, so I’m not surprised to see their dynamic versatility. With the perfect balance between a warm pink and a…


Bring in the New Year with a “Tangerine Tango”

Tangerine Tango

Get ready for 2012 to be the year of the “Tangerine Tango.”  No, we are not talking about dancing, although that could be fun too, we are talking about COLOR. Pantone just announced this spicy citrus to officially set the retail temperature for the coming year and to dominate all other color trends at market.