My Triple Locks of Love

It is strange how your hair can become a part of your identity, especially as an artist. If you have known me for any length of time, you know that I have always had long hair. Ever since I was a little girl, I had long ringlets and could braid my hair down to my…


Operation Christmas Child

With everything going on last week, getting two books off to the publishers and working on new licensing collections for Something to Cherish®, I am very happy that I was able to find some time to finish packing my shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child! This is a very special ministry to my family and…


Shoe Boxes Sending Love All Over the World

I want to share with you a VERY special family tradition that has become the most meaningful part of gift-giving at Christmas. Each fall, Operation Christmas Child (lead by Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham) organizes the coolest way for ordinary people to do something extraordinary in the life of a little child in a far…