Copyright Clearance

the copyright detective, Copyright Clearance for Creatives

Let me introduce you today to the idea of copyright clearance and a professional colleague, Joyce L. Miller. Joyce, of Integrated Writer Services, LLC, is in the business of helping authors, publishers and other content creators stay out of hot water by applying methods for copyright clearance. She is the one making sure they have the…


The Orphan Works Roundtable and Webcast

Hosted by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration on 08/08/2008 in NY How Will the Orphan Works Bill Economically Impact Small Entities? “A Seminal Event” “Unprecedented” “The most effective advocacy in opposition to these bills I have seen.” “The Gathering of the Tribes” These are some of the comments we’ve…


Orphan Works Discussion

Megan discusses the Orphan Works bill with Brenda and Joanne, July 2008 from: LEARN MORE & TAKE ACTION AGAINST THIS BILL:


How Licensing Works. Don’t Let Congress Orphan Your Work

Here’s a letter from Joanne Fink that explains how licensing works and why the OW bills will be detrimental to artists that license their work. It’s like licensing 101 for congress … My name is Joanne Fink, and I am the President of Lakeside Design, a Central Florida design studio which specializes in developing products…


Copyright and the Need to Register

Understanding the basic rules regarding copyright and what it means is essential. The ownership of copyright is how intellectual property rights come into existence. These rights are the key to creating additional income for the creator. Read On…