Creative Choices
Do you wish you had more money or time?
Is it possible to make creative choices and begin to shape your days into the life you wish you could have? Yes! Your life is a series of choices you get to make.
If you look at the heart of what you want and what it would mean to you, you might find there are more ways to get the essence of what you desire.
What does it mean to you?
Maybe you feel like if you had more money or time your life would be complete. You could take a closer look to define what having more money means to you. Would it mean freedom? Freedom to work at a different career, freedom to travel or peace of mind? Would it give you a sense of value or self esteem? Would it give you more time with your kids, spouse, or friends?
How could you start to get the benefits now?
If you want to spend more time with your family, you might declare Friday nights as family night where you take turns choosing the activity or make it movie night, complete with popcorn. Or could you give up TV for an evening and just talk, play games, or work on a project together?
If you want more time for a creative pursuit, you might take a half hour before everyone gets up or a half hour before dinner each night to work a little at a time on it.
Maybe you’d just like more time. I needed help with lots of the little details of my business and personal life that seemed to be piling up. I wanted to make sure I still have time to relax and that I’m not always having to do something. So I recently placed an ad in Craig’s list and hired an awesome personal assistant. She is able to help me a few hours a week and it’s wonderful.
Do you want to travel more but can’t afford it? What could you give up that doesn’t give you as much satisfaction? Or better yet, brainstorm some ways you could be paid to travel.
What is the essence of your desires?
If you begin to look at why you want something, you may discover that you can make creative and positive choices that will give you the essence of what you want. What else could you do to create those outcomes and enjoy the benefits now?
Reflect on your choices
The end of the year is always a great time to reflect on the choices you made this year. What were some of the best moments? What do you wish you had more time for? What creative choices can you make for next year?
Sally Evans is a Creativity Coach and Jewlery Artist who shares insights and resources in living a creative and inspired life. Sign up for weekly inspiration at Embracing Creativity Free Ezine.
Guest post by Sally Evans, Creativity Coach