Pinterest Is Becoming the Next Big Thing for Business
Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.
That is where it starts. However, I recently I came across this article that both explains Pinterest and gives some practical business tips for using it to promote your art, products, publications or whatever visually engaging images you want to share with the world. Of course, it should go without saying that you need to apply the 80/20 rule and keep the promotion to a minimum and keep the sharing other valuable content that relates to a maximum.
Move over Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Another social media site is stepping up as a valuable marketing tool for businesses.
Pinterest, an online bulletin board for your favorite images, launched in 2010 and is already experiencing wild growth. The site registered more than 7 million unique visitors in December, up from 1.6 million in September. And it’s driving more traffic to company websites and blogs than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined, according to a recent report from Cambridge, Mass.-based content-sharing site Shareaholic.
Read the rest of the article here.
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