Art of Licensing Meet-Up Tools
With only a few days and weeks left before the big, summer licensing shows begins, I invite you to participate in the Art of Licensing LinkedIn group “meet-up.”
Those of you who have been following the discussions on the Art Of Licensing LinkedIn group board can sense how difficult or even impossible to schedule a time to get us all together in one room to socialize at Surtex & the National Stationery show. Since Paul Brent was the generator of the meet-up discussion, I bounced around with him a few concepts and he came up with this genius idea.
If everyone identifies themselves as part of the group by wearing the Art Of Licensing logo/graphics, then we can easily identify and network with one another as we see each other throughout the shows. If you are exhibiting, you can even show your membership by posting a small sign in your booth.
No special time or location necessary. It is that simple.
So, take a quick minute out of your busy week, print out the graphics below and join in the fun. I will be looking forward to seeing you wear the group button next to your badge so that I can meet and support you at the show!
You may learn more about art licensing and how to join the 850+ members Art of Licensing LinkedIn group at ArtOfLicensing.com.
Download a printable PDF of the graphics here!
Very cool Cherish! Thanks so much. Jeanine and I will try and stop by your booth to say hi! Good luck at the show.
Hi Jen, I look forward to seeing you both there. I am not exhibiting this year, but will be in and around all the show. Happy travels.